The Top Damper effectively seals in “paid” energy dollars. It mounts to the chimney top and seals with a flat rubber gasket when closed.
Energy Efficient Seal
Pliable rubber gasket seal attached to the frame that compresses and conforms to the lid when closed
Higher Opening
Allows for Improved Drafting
No Fusible Link
Installation is Fast & Easy
Made for Sweeps & By Sweeps
Aluminum Lid Reduces Sagging
Economical Pricing
A Cost-Effective Product versus other options on the market
The Top Damper effectively seals in “paid” energy dollars. It mounts to the chimney top and seals with a flat rubber gasket when closed. The Top Damper is constructed of premium stainless steel and cast-aluminum and won’t rust like conventional cast-iron dampers. The control mounts in the firebox for quick and easy access and defaults to the open position. Heat loss up the fireplace chimney accounts for an average 8% of your home heating costs! The Top Damper helps prevent this heat loss. Stay warmer and save money!
Four Season Protection for your chimney.
Precision engineered mechanism is easier to open and close than throat dampers.
Doesn’t require a fire safety control (fusable link).
Easily accessible handle mounts inside of fireplace.
Defaults to open position for maximum safety.
Lifetime Warranty.
The Top Damper is made for use only with open woodburning masonry fireplace chimneys and are NOT suitable for use in these installations:
The Top Damper can be installed by homeowners who feel comfortable working on a roof, but U.S. Fireplace Products, Inc. strongly recommends you use the services of a qualified chimney sweep who can also inspect your chimney and provide other valuable home safety services.
The Top Damper may be used on round factory-built chimneys venting a fireplace. An RS Adapter for solid-pack chimney or a RS Adapter for air-cooled chimney is available to make this transition. Note: This may affect the fireplace listing. Check with the fireplace manufacturer before installing the adapter and damper.
The Top Damper attaches to the top of the flue tile on fireplace chimneys. Our models are sized by common flue tiles and available in 6 Sizes:
The Top Damper is available with the additional protection of a built-in Stainless Steel Cap. It comes completely assembled as one unit, names the Top Damper PLUS with these features added. When closed, the Top Damper Plus seals out rain, snow, and sleet while sealing in “paid” heat and air-conditioning. When open it has the protection of a conventional chimney cap. Gain the added benefit of a cap and lose none of the functionality of the Top Damper.
Download our Size Chart for and other reference sheets below: